Non-Compete and Trade Secret Law
At Icard Merrill, we recognize that in today’s highly competitive business world, it is essential for a company to protect its assets. Our non-compete and trade secret litigators have the knowledge and skill to draft and enforce non-compete and employment agreements, restrictive covenants, confidentiality agreements, and other arrangements designed to protect these valuable assets.
Our trade secret attorneys have extensive experience litigating non-compete and trade secrets cases on behalf of both businesses and employees in a wide range of industries, including communications, technology, hospitality, health care, financial services, entertainment, advertising, and others. This experience extends to cases involving trade secret and customer list theft, as well as breach of fiduciary duty claims by corporate managers, officers, and owners.
Our attorneys understand that non-compete and trade secrets litigation can often involve complex issues and strategic considerations. We employ a combination of legal knowledge, business acumen, and tactical skill to effectively handle these cases from inception to conclusion, including emergency and preliminary injunction hearings and appellate proceedings.
For experienced, qualified representation with regard to non-compete and trade secret law matters, contact us today.