Governmental Law
Icard Merrill’s governmental law group offers quality experienced legal counsel to counties, cities, municipalities, government agencies, and their elected officials in a comprehensive range of legal concerns. We effectively supervise growth management reviews, concurrency audits, vested rights determinations, extensive compensable takings, and other land use and eminent domain proceedings. Our governmental law group also assists local government agencies and special districts throughout the state with the drafting, review, and implementation of comprehensive plans, land development regulations, inter-local agreements involving the coordination of growth management planning, provision of governmental services, annexation, incorporations and internal policies and procedures.
Balancing our private sector work with representation of public sector clients provides a well-balanced approach which proves critical to maintaining the firm’s credibility as a participant and advisor in governmental law decisions, as well as its familiarity with both public and private sector perspectives and realties. Icard Merrill’s governmental law attorneys possess a wealth of experience in negotiating and cooperating with governmental entities, agencies, and officials who determine land use policies and the course of significant land use decisions. Our attorneys regularly appear before appointed and elected boards to participate in the development of ordinances and regulations, the adoption or amendment of comprehensive plans, and other governmental matters that affect our private sector clients’ rights.
Through this representation, Icard Merrill has developed extensive experience and insight in all areas of governmental law and operation, while establishing excellent rapport with governmental administrators and elected officials over many years. This unique experience and perspective enables our governmental law attorneys to provide quality representation and meet the legal needs of businesses and individuals appearing before federal and state governmental bodies on a comprehensive range of legal matters, including public finance, utilities, zoning, procurement, and environmental and land use concerns.
Icard Merrill’s governmental law attorneys’ vast legal experience extends to matters involving:
Ordinances and Regulations
Icard Merrill’s governmental law department complements the firm’s representation of municipalities and government districts by assisting agencies with the drafting, interpretation, and implementation of local ordinances, regulations, and other rulemaking actions. Our accomplished attorneys also furnish quality advice concerning the drafting and interpretation of governmental internal rules, policies, and procedures. This experience is instrumental to the firm’s successful representation of private sector clients seeking approval or in need of representation in the defense of ordinance or regulation violation proceedings. Our governmental law department has the litigation and appellate experience to handle these actions from inception to conclusion.
Codes and Charters
At Icard Merrill, our governmental law attorneys provide knowledgeable assistance to cities and counties with the drafting and implementation of comprehensive city and county codes and charters. This experience translates into keen legal insight when providing counsel to the private sector. Our skilled attorneys defend clients in enforcement actions brought by city and county officials enforcing charters, building codes, and other ordinances. Icard Merrill’s experience and positive relationships with state and government officials and administrators allows our governmental law attorneys to design creative solutions with excellent prospects when representing clients seeking approval under these government directives. This practice is complemented by the firm’s extensive litigation and appeal of adverse code enforcement decisions when negotiations fail.
Icard Merrill provides quality legal representation to government entities throughout the state of Florida regarding annexation and other property matters. These services include proactive planning counseling to governments in an effort to avoid challenges to annexation proceedings, as well as the defense of these proceedings and related oppositions.
If you are in need of a skilled governmental law attorney experienced in the nuances of Florida’s legal and government systems, contact us today.