Divorce and Divorce Agreements
Divorce is often emotionally challenging, making it crucial to have clear, competent, compassionate legal guidance. With extensive knowledge of Florida dissolution of marriage laws along with years of experience in the field, Icard Merrill’s divorce lawyers provide skilled counsel in all divorce matters, including the identification, valuation, and distribution of marital assets and liabilities, and alimony and spousal support matters. When minor children are involved, divorce litigation proceedings also encompass determinations of custody, visitation, and support.
Your divorce process will vary depending on your particular situation and the type of divorce you will undergo – collaborative, contested, or uncontested. When both parties are committed to working together toward a reasonable settlement, available options may include negotiation, mediation, and collaborative divorce. These options allow the parties to retain more control over the outcome of the divorce and minimize the financial and emotional cost to you and your family.
In addition to considerable experience in routine contested and uncontested dissolutions of marriage, our divorce attorneys also offer skilled guidance in complex dissolutions. High asset divorces, for example, often require complicated property division and sophisticated financial analyses of a wide scope of assets. In these situations, our Florida divorce lawyers work closely with experts, including appraisers, forensic accountants, business evaluators, and others to ensure that the valuation of assets is open and objective.
No matter the size of your estate or the complexity of your family’s situation, at Icard Merrill we work diligently to achieve a positive and equitable outcome.
Divorce Agreements
Settlement agreements in divorce and other domestic relations cases include postnuptial agreements, marital settlement agreements, and property settlement agreements. These agreements differ from prenuptial agreements, which are entered into prior to marriage.
In Florida, a divorce agreement, commonly referred to as a “marital settlement agreement,” addresses all of the terms and conditions of the parties’ resolution of their marriage dissolution disputes. At Icard Merrill, our family law group has successfully negotiated and drafted a countless number of these agreements, addressing a wide variety of family law issues, including child support, child custody, visitation, alimony, division of marital assets and liabilities, securities, and business and professional practice interests.
Absent fraud or coercion, divorce agreements are typically approved by Florida courts. Our accomplished family law attorneys are experienced in the proper creation of these marital settlement agreements, maximizing the chances that they will be approved and enforced by the judiciary.
Consistent with Icard Merrill’s comprehensive approach, our family law attorneys work closely with other departments in the firm to ensure that taxation, real estate, estate planning, business concerns, and other matters are properly considered and addressed in these settlement agreements.
Contact us to speak with Icard Merrill’s respected divorce lawyers to learn more about our approach to marriage dissolutions and marital settlement agreements.